Welcome to More Then Blog!

The web is an amazing tool to share things! That's why this blog was created! To share stuff! But with less 'background noise' (if you know what I mean)

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gonna start off right away

Just gonna start off right away by telling you this is not just a blog... It's an opinion... People post on their blogs all the time with fancy gimmicks and how-to's and top 10's... All you ever see are people commenting on these things and writing reviews for them... Its never just (hey! Why don't we just talk about it briefly then move on!).....

There are so many things that we can focus are thoughts on that we either read or watch on the net that we forget to see the bigger picture! It's all just gimmicks to get views and money and respect!

--- Phew.... Okay, got that off my chest... But seriously though... This blog is mostly that! Just cut the money part because there is no way I'm making cash on this....

--- So, maybe you just stumbled upon this blog and think its not worth your time... Just give it a chance! Its simple, witty, and sometimes provacative! Of course my posts won't be quite as long as this one (but hey, its my first post gimee a break!)

--- BTW (By The Way), by the time people actually read this, I'll have moved on to other posts and gimmicks and such, so please feel free to not comment on this since its a first post (gimmee a break!).  THANKS

... Aaaand were off!

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